Yes, we are looking for ways to fail! We even keep track of our “failures” on a chart in our house now. Seems odd right, but when you are so afraid of failing that you cannot even try, something has to change.
So, we started looking for FAMOUS FAILURES! And, holy cow, did we find them! So many, I couldn’t even keep track. In fact, every successful person I could think of, athlete, politician, business person, advocate…, had banked up amazing numbers of failures!
This is what we say in our house all the time now. First, if helps desensitize us to the fear of failing. Second, coupled with all of the other failure reprogramming we are doing, it is really turning into compliment. Failure - a compliment? YES! You cannot succeed ever without it, so every failure brings you closer to a success.
The Confidence Code by Katty Kay, Claire Shipman
When we are willing to fail, craving failure, searching for failure, we eventually succeed. But when we dread it, avoid it and worry about it, we become perfectionists. What is wrong with being perfectionist? We are unwilling to try new things. We become unwilling to put ourselves and our ideas out there until they are “perfect.” Then, if they fail, we are devastated because we put our heart and soul into them before trying them out.
So, let’s celebrate our failures. Let’s encourage our kids (and ourselves) to fail! In this series, I will give you a bunch of resources and ideas for encouraging failure and celebrating it. I have included printable resources that you are welcome to use, but I encourage you to make your own as well. Notice, they are not perfect! But they work for my family. Do what works for yours.