Abraham Lincoln


Lincoln is regarded as one of the most respected leaders in American History. He was the 16th American President, Commander and Chief winning the Civil War and ultimately beginning the end of legal slavery in American.

But his list of prior failures is a long one. He was demoted during his service in war, he failed as a business man and attorney, had a mental break down, was defeated at his run for legislature, congress, and as commissioner of the General Land Office, twice defeated when seeking a senate seat and lost the nomination for Vice President only 4 years before finally being elected President. By the time he was inaugurated, many of the southern stated had seceded from the United States and the Confederate States of America were formally formed with Jefferson Davis elected as their President. The first and only civil war in the United States began only 1 year after Lincoln became President.

Like so many other historical failures, Lincoln kept his chin up with resolve to keep moving forward.

Teresa Kerrigan