What does Failure look like for you?

Until recently (and I still struggle with this), I have labeled things as either SUCCESSES or FAILURES based on how well I thought I met my goals. If I did not meet my goal, I was frustrated and sometimes even GAVE UP. If I did meet my goal, I was HAPPY and felt like I had completed something important. My happiness and feelings about my self-worth were wrapped up in my successes and failures.

After reading a ton, including, “MINDSET: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol Dweck, I am trying to stop defining things as failures or successes because the label is not what matters. Instead, it is what I choose to do AFTERWARD. If I think I have failed and I get upset and disappointed and give up - I truly have failed. But, if I keep an open mind, decide to continue on my path and congratulate myself for trying, then I have truly Succeeded. I have found this to be really hard to do in my daily life. The more I practice, however, the better I get at it.

This is why I am trying to get my kids in the habit of this early, so that when they are old like me, it has become habit!

Teresa Kerrigan