Why Pursue Failure?


Why Pursue FAILURE? I know that my kids really struggle feeling like THEY are failures when they experience a failure. They think they are not loved, not ok and not worthwhile when they fail. So, I have tried to create way to "desensitize" them.

  • We keep track of "wrongs", "failures", and "mistakes".

  • We say funny things to each other like "Hey failure, how is failing going."

  • We talk about how failing of the only way to eventually succeed!

  • We talk about people in the world who have failed over and over again before succeeding and write their stories and quotes on sticky notes on our walls.

So, why talk so much about failure? Because without a lot of failure, you are not trying very hard, you are not pushing yourself, you are not discovering and these are the things I want for my children. I want them to see failure as part of success and to strive for failure over and over until they have accomplished amazing things!

Teresa Kerrigan