

Every couple of weeks I buy a huge, fresh caught salmon with skin on from Costco.  Skin on is important because the little layer of fat between the skin and the meat of the fish is what gives you the Fatty Acids that are so important for your brain health.  You can either pan fry the fish in large sections by adding any oil to the pan and then adding the fish skin down to the pan and covering for 3-5 minutes each.  Or, lay out several pieces of foil and lay the fish skin down on the foil.  Pour a small amount of oil on the fish, add salt, pepper, garlic… and a few ice cubes.  Fold over the foil and seal it.  Place on medium high heat on the bar-b-que grill for about 10-12 minutes.  After pan frying or grilling, the thin layer of grey skin should peel off easily without removing the layer of fat. 

What I love to do with salmon is (1) eat it fresh of course, or (2) chill in the fridge.  Use this salmon in any warm dish you like.  Or, we love to add fruit (grapes, berries, apples), pumpkin seeds, chopped spinach or arugula, cilantro, cooled and cooked noodles (really anything you have left over in small amounts) with a little of our favorite dressing and eat it with chips or crackers.  Or, find a good recipe for crab cakes (or salmon cakes) and use this cooked salmon instead.  Delicious! 

Teresa Kerrigan