Octopus Hotdogs

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What to make for your child on a boring Saturday afternoon? I saw this on Facebook once and LOVED it. We have only made it a few times, but it has always been a hit and cracks me up!

How to

  • Start a pot of water boiling as if you are going to make noodles (salt as desired)

  • Get out appropriate number of hot dogs that you are willing to feed your kids (we use organic buffalo dogs)

  • Cut hot dogs in 1/3rds

  • Use any spaghetti style pasta (GF works fine) and break in ½

  • Push spaghetti noodles through the pieces of hot dog

  • If the noodles break easily, push them in just a little on each side of the dog so they are coming out both ends

  • Gently place noodle dogs into boiling water just long enough for the noodles to cook

  • Pour finished Octopus Dogs in a colander to drain

Immediately place on plate with some kind of steamed veggie for an adventurous and funny lunch!

Teresa Kerrigan