A Short Lesson about the Brain

DON'T TUNE OUT! I know, a tiny bit of a biology lesson - but you will thank me later!!

* Brain Mindup.jpg

What is actually happening in the BRAIN when my child thinks (wrongfully) he is in DANGER?

GEEK MOMENT AGAIN:  Take a look at the image to the left.

When the brain thinks there is an emergency, whether it is correct or not, the PREFRONTAL CORTEX (the front part of the brain) SHUTS DOWN.  This is the LOGICAL PART OF THE BRAIN.  It can reason and think through problems to make-a-plan.

The HIPPOCAMPUS also FREEZES when the brain thinks there is an emergency.  This is the MEMORY BANK of your brain.  It can tell you what has happened in a particular situation in the past.

The AMYGDALA JUMPS INTO ACTION in case of an emergency, or perceived emergency.  It is there to RUN, FREEZE or FIGHT in dangerous situations.


You can guess what part of the brain has taken over when a child PERCEIVED DANGER (whether real or not)!  That’s right, the Amygdala!  And the logical and memory parts of the brain completely defer to it because it is the Amygdala’s job to save their life.


Please continue reading my series on Dis-Regulation and your child!  The next post on “Why you should Teach your Child about THEIR Brain” is so helpful!